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A dry, cloudless sky greeted us on Sunday ready to set up for our much waited for Big Green Event, part of The Big Green Week celebrations. The BGW is an opportunity for groups to get local people to get make small changes to help with the effects of climate control. This years theme was making swops for life.
On Sunday, 9th June 2024, The Friends of Combe Valley in collaboration with Groundworks South held a fun filled fact finding event in the newly formed Community Garden at the Discovery Centre, Freshfields, St Leonards on Sea.
The Community Garden which a was previously an area of cropped mown grass has been allowed to develop into wild meadow and wild grass areas. 1400 hedge saplings have been planted alongside standard trees and a new tree nursery is being created with plans to expand.
Invitations were sent to local nature inspired groups from the area surrounding the Combe Valley Countryside Park, attendees included Bexhill Environment Group, Crowhurst Environment group including Dark skies initiative, Standup4nature, Church Wood Community Orchard, Community supporters, Hastings Library of Things, Bexhill Wheelers -Classic cycles, Brenton Smith: bike maintenance, Sustrans, Bexhill Wild Doomsday project and Robert Bozeat; Green wood carving.
Stalls and marquees were set up with activities encouraging swops such as books, recipes and plants. Children were invited to make paper pots from newspaper and to plant bee friendly seeds to grow on at hime. A large meadow mural was created with colourful butterflies and flowers being attached. Lots of bird boxes were made and taken home to attract birds to gardens. A mini wildlife walk took place in the raised wild flower meadow onsite. Lots of information on how we can help nature and ourselves to heal.
Entertainment was in the form of Hannahs Morris dancers who energetically entertained their audience. Not forgetting lots of cake was eaten.
The Community garden is run by volunteers who meet every week between 10-12 md on Wednesdays and Thursdays and every third Saturday 1-3pm all at the Discovery Centre.
For more information to see what is happening right on your doorstep, pop down to the Discovery Centre on any of the volunteer days or
contact Julie on 07549276426 or Emma 07718043148 .
We welcome all ages and abilities, you can volunteer for as long as you able, we also hold Social nights on the fourth Wednesdays 7-9pm at the Discovery centre, Freshfields, St Leonards on Sea. TN388FB. W3W Full.Solar.cone.