We have begun the guided walks within the Countryside Park. Peter Hunnisett led us through the park starting at the entrance beside the Blackbrooks garden centre. Peter had produced a spotter sheet which was very useful in identifying the plants that we often take for granted and walk right past.

We took a gentle walk up the old section of Pebsham Lane noting plants and listening to the birds as we went. At the kissing gate, we turned down the path towards the Pebsham lake noting the blossom on the blackthorn(Sloe) and wild clematis. At the lake, we spotted several of the black cormorants sitting in the trees and a single grey heron flew graciously over the lake landing on the other side. Continuing down the recently cleared path towards Freshfields, we noted that the butcher’s broom that had been rescued was thriving amongst a big patch of garlic mustard. The yellow gorse was glowing in the sunshine and the smell was gorgeous. We continued back to the Discovery Centre for a well-deserved cup of tea.
Next Walk: Sunday 16th September 2022. 10.30am meet at the Discovery Centre.(part of open day/Volunteer drive)