In: News
During 2021 Friends of Combe Valley along with members of Bexhill and Crowhurst Environment Groups and other groups took part in the Rother iTree survey in the Rother area including and the Countryside Park.

The volunteer surveyors were each given a random measured marked plot of land. Within each plot, details were taken of the numbers of trees, variety, height, spread of branches, the condition of the tree(s). All the information was plotted along with the exact location and details as to whether it was an area suitable for more trees to be planted.
All this information has been gathered and a report will be generated to inform local plans.
2023 Update.
Rother District Council have published a report which can be found attached. At the moment it is not fully accessible on all viewing screens and in the process of being amended. When we receive it, we will post it. However, here is the current copy Urban Forest 1066 report