Big Green Day – part of the Big Green Week

A dry, cloudless sky greeted us on Sunday ready to set up for our much waited for Big Green Event, part of The Big Green Week celebrations. The BGW is an opportunity for groups to get local people to get ..Read on…

Monthly Social Natter night

Our successful social nights are continuing. Fourth Wednesday 7-9pm

New times for Saturday work parties.

New days and dates for conservation work. We have been asked to consider The third Saturday work partied to be held between1-3 pm to enable younger and those who work during the week to volunteer. So we are giving it ..Read on…

Wardens wanted

We are always looking out for volunteers to join our small wardens group who regularly patrol the park, advising walkers on routes, keeping in touch with the local farmers. Noting anything that needs to be reported to the local Police ..Read on…

Friends of Combe Valley Open Day

We invite all our neighbours, local community and visitors to come and see what the Friends of Combe Valley are involved with on a weekly basis. Come and discover more about the Countryside Park and all that it can offer.

oak trees iTree survey

During 2021 Friends of Combe Valley along with members of Bexhill and Crowhurst Environment Groups and other groups took part in the Rother iTree survey in the Rother area including and the Countryside Park. Rother I-tree survey The volunteer surveyors ..Read on…

The Big Green week poster The Great Big Green week 2023

Join The Friends of Combe Valley in an activity environment friendly filled day. Walks, gardening, juice making and more.